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Team Futaba by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 2111 Total Comments 1

normal_IMG_9023.JPG by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1917 Total Comments 1

IMG 8978 by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1282 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 007 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1287 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 025 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1268 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 027 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1208 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 023 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1361 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 026 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1200 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 010 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1182 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 005 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1205 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 019 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1109 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 004 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1239 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 021 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1190 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 022 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1173 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 013 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1181 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 028 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1191 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 033 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1194 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 031 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1145 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 030 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1090 Total Comments 0

08champs rnd1 014 10... by Mitchell Baker

Total Views 1111 Total Comments 0
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