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Events / 2024 U.S. Scale Masters Champi...
Last post by Mitchell Baker - Wed, 06/19/24, 10:22 PM
Stay Tuned.
Flightline Chatter / Posting check at friend
Last post by GhostRider - Tue, 06/18/24, 07:57 AM
 :)  ;)  :D  ;D

New post on new site.
From National Chair / USSMA up date
Last post by Curtis Kitteringham - Tue, 12/12/23, 04:37 PM
    First off the USSMA hopes all had a great Thanksgiving with a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS coming your
way. Working on the 2024 Championship location. Looking at possibly one of three locations in
California. Will keep you informed as we work through it.

From National Chair / July 4th
Last post by Curtis Kitteringham - Mon, 07/03/23, 10:07 PM
    Happy 4th of July to all and I'm looking forward to seeing as many as possible at this years champs.
From National Chair / 2022 Championship Invites
Last post by Curtis Kitteringham - Fri, 09/09/22, 01:19 AM
  As noted earlier 90% of the USSMA 2022 Championship invites have been sent via email the ones that still need to send will go out this Friday or over the weekend. I have said this before if you have flown in a qualifier or a pass Championship and have not received your invite or would like to fly in this years Championship contact me. Contact me using this web site or email me, I have posted contact info in pass postings here. 
  Hope all of you are doing well and getting ready too attend the 2022 USSMA Championship.
 The invites will start going out in an EMAIL to all contestants from the last TWO Championships, along with all information we have from this years qualifiers. If you did not put your email on the paperwork for the qualifier you attended or do not receive an EMAIL invite from us, PLEASE feel free to contact me with your information at so that you will be able to compete this year.
  Some of you may receive more than one invite this is because Mitch and myself will be emailing the invites and there maybe double info. 
   The USSMA is looking forward to as many of you as possible to attend this years Championship.
  Curtis Kitteringham
From National Chair / 2022 USSMA Championship
Last post by Curtis Kitteringham - Tue, 08/16/22, 12:13 AM
   We are well on are way with the final steps for this years Champs, if you have flown in a Qualifier this year and are not sure if your information has been forwarded to the USSMA and you wish to compete , PLEASE contact me so we can get you setup to attend this years champs. 
   As I have posted earlier TAXI OUT can be used as one of the maneuvers for your flight routine, alone with this the ProAm Sport Class will not be flying the Figure 8 maneuver, this due to safety with 4 models in the air and air space used by the larger models. The ProAm Sport Class will still need to do 10 maneuvers for the flight score. 
  We are looking for a good turn out with several contestants that have not flown in the Champs for a few years, this will be a good chance to renew friendships and good clean competition.
  Curtis K.
From National Chair / Bringing back a maneuver
Last post by Curtis Kitteringham - Mon, 03/14/22, 11:33 PM
  Bringing back Taxi Out as a MANEUVER, this was part of the USSMA maneuver list in the pass. It is time to bring it back into the contest world. I'm looking at a few reasons, Golden Age taildraggers are making a comeback in competition and with this the slow models can use this maneuver to limit their time in the air and speed up the flight line. Each maneuver has realism points with over all realism many contestants do not know this, with taxi out as a maneuver you maybe more inclined to present your model more realistic. As for end of flight that will remain the same which soon as the contestant says Landing Complete or the model is rolling out after landing the round is completed. The contestant as before will need to exit the runway as soon as possible for the next contestants use.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this years Championship in Mesa Az.   
  We have a host club for the USSMA 2022 Championship, the AMA club in Mesa AZ is the host club. I have added attachments for printing information,
the contestants from the 40th Championship in Reedley CA are prequalified for this years champs. For all others attend your local qualifiers, if there are no qualifiers in your area and you have attended a champs or looking to compete at the champs PLEASE contact me though this we'd site or the US Scale Masters Face Book page, you may use - Ph 760-807-5519. We will be up dating FB and this web site as we move forward.
    Hope to see as many of as possible
  Time to start getting ready for the 2022 Champs in AZ at the Mesa AMA club, dates are 10/19/2022-10/23/2022 for those that competed in our 40th Championship in Reedly Ca you are prequalified for the 2022 USSMA Championship. There will be RV camping at the site along with a hotel for the champs. More information will be posted as we work out the details. you can also follow the Championship Information on Face Book and websites, with the USSMA, USSMA Show and Tell, One Eight AirForce and the Arizona Model Aviators pages. It has been 20 years since our last champs at this location so we are looking forward to a great turnout for this contest. 
   MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and family