Update 2018 Champs sponsors

Started by Curtis Kitteringham, Tue, 07/03/18, 11:17 PM

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Curtis Kitteringham

  Taking a moment to say Thank You to the ones that have stepped up as 2018 Champs sponsors, you have made a difference with your help. We are still short of our goal, so if you are on the fence as to whether to help, now is the time to step up. We have a number of Best of's still open and 4 of the 5 class trophies still open for part or full sponsorship. Every dollar will help keep the doors open for the coming years, our hobby is taking big hits in the last few years and USSMA is not the only group feeling the pain. It has come down to the participants and outside of the hobby support to keep the doors open.. If you can sponsor or know of a company or a group that would like to sponsor PLEASE let us know.
Thank You
See you all at the 2018 Champs   
Curtis Kitteringham